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Videos About Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer's Society collection of personal stories and other videos about Alzheimer's.
Detecting Alzheimer’s Early
Short video. Early detection of Alzheimer's should speed end-of-life planning.
Frank’s VSED Story
Frank Winslow's VSED story. Might help you decide if VSED is right for you
Jamesa’s VSED Story
Jamesa Noelle's personal story. Might help you decide is VSED is right for you.
Jane’s VSED Story
Narrated by Jane’s daughter. Personal story that might help you decide whether VSED is right for you.
Alzheimer’s Instructional Videos for Health Professionals
Collection of resources for talking about Alzheimer's disease. Useful tools for working with patients around dementia.
In Their Eyes (Short Film)
Video about what it’s like for caretakers to deal with end-stage dementia.
Looking After You the Best I Can
Film about early onset dementia. Cautionary tale about why it's important to create an Advance Directive (Living Will) early in life.
Going Home
Award-winning film about dementia. A cautionary tale about why it's important to make end-of-life decisions in advance.
Death Doulas help you to prepare for death
Concise news story about the scope of what death doulas do.
What to expect at the end of life
Short video. Excellent preparation for caregivers caring for someone in the final weeks of life. Applicable to VSED. Applicable to decision to die at home.
It’s My Right: The Handmade Death of Herta Sturmann
Lovely video showing what the VSED experience is like from beginning to end. Only video showing the impact on the whole family, including a grandchild.
The VSED Checklist
Excellent summary by Suzanne O’Brien of why VSED is a viable option, and the checklist of things patients and caregivers should have completed and on hand before starting.
Reflections After V.S.E.D. Experience
Interview with a loved one about how it felt to support a patient who undertook VSED.
Rosemary Bowen’s Fast
Remarkable personal story showing the daily experience of going through VSED.
Dying Wish
Film showing the process of VSED practiced by a physician taking his own life. Beautifully filmed; lovely story of how peaceful and meaningful VSED can be.