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Alzheimer’s Society
Excellent, comprehensive set of resource on Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Alzheimer’s Instructional Videos for Health Professionals
Collection of resources for talking about Alzheimer's disease. Useful tools for working with patients around dementia.
American Clinicians Academy on MAID
Website with extensive resources on MAID for both Clinicians and Patients.
Compassion and Choices
Website for all things related to improving care, expanding options and empowering everyone to chart their end-of-life journey. Extensive set of resources for Advanced Directives, VSED, MAID, and other end-of-life care issues.
Respecting Choices
Training programs for healthcare professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills around collaborative end-of-life decision-making.
Advanced Care Planning Tools
Best, outstanding comprehensive list of where to go to get AD tools and explanations. Also Advanced Care Planning training for professionals.
Advance Directive for Dementia
AD to be used in cases of dementia, specifying that you want to refuse all oral feedings in the case of dementia or to limit oral intake to comfort-focused feeding that must be stopped if you become disinterested or unwilling to be fed.
VSED Clinical Pathway
Goes beyond general clinical guidelines to include specific instructions for nurses and other professionals caring for patients desiring VSED.
Advance Directive Forms by State
Search for the specific AD form for your state and download for free.
Advance Directive for VSED
Advance Directive specifically for voluntarily stopping eating and drinking. Can be filled out online.
The Role of the Physician in the Voluntary Termination of Life (Dutch)
The most complete systematic review of VSED to date with sections on clinical, ethical, legal, and institutional issues. International perspective. Comprehensive reference list.
Clinical guidelines for voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED)
Clinical guidelines about VSED.
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking
Excellent VSED reference covering clinical, ethical, legal, and institutional issues, as well as illustrative cases and challenges. Includes sections on VSED and Advance Directives for VSED.
Serious Illness Conversation Guide
Comprehensive lists and links to tools and resources for professionals, patients and caregivers, and healthcare systems
Preparing for Serious Illness: A Model for Better Conversations over the Continuum of Care
Joanna Paladino and Erik Fromme present a compelling argument for the importance of early conversations regarding care preferences in the face of serious illness.