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David’s Death by VSED
Roberta Ness wrote this story shortly after her beloved husband, David, took his life by voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED) in September of 2023.
Videos About Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer's Society collection of personal stories and other videos about Alzheimer's.
Detecting Alzheimer’s Early
Short video. Early detection of Alzheimer's should speed end-of-life planning.
Alzheimer’s Association
Excellent, comprehensive set of resources about Alzheimer's and dementia.
Frank’s VSED Story
Frank Winslow's VSED story. Might help you decide if VSED is right for you
Jamesa’s VSED Story
Jamesa Noelle's personal story. Might help you decide is VSED is right for you.
Jane’s VSED Story
Narrated by Jane’s daughter. Personal story that might help you decide whether VSED is right for you.
Alzheimer’s Society
Excellent, comprehensive set of resource on Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
National End of Life Doula Association (NEDA)
Helps you find a death doula by name or state. Site also has training and other resources for and about death doulas.
Death Doulas help you to prepare for death
Concise news story about the scope of what death doulas do.
What to expect at the end of life
Short video. Excellent preparation for caregivers caring for someone in the final weeks of life. Applicable to VSED. Applicable to decision to die at home.
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
Excellent resource for finding a hospice or palliative care program near you.
Compassion and Choices
Website for all things related to improving care, expanding options and empowering everyone to chart their end-of-life journey. Extensive set of resources for Advanced Directives, VSED, MAID, and other end-of-life care issues.
VSED Resources Northwest
Only website fully dedicated to VSED with many helpful resources.
VSED Equipment & Supplies
VSED requires preparation. You can pick and choose from this complete list of supplies and equipment to make the journey more comfortable. Equipment can be rented and supplies are not costly.
Advance Directive for Dementia
AD to be used in cases of dementia, specifying that you want to refuse all oral feedings in the case of dementia or to limit oral intake to comfort-focused feeding that must be stopped if you become disinterested or unwilling to be fed.
VSED Clinical Pathway
Goes beyond general clinical guidelines to include specific instructions for nurses and other professionals caring for patients desiring VSED.
It’s My Right: The Handmade Death of Herta Sturmann
Lovely video showing what the VSED experience is like from beginning to end. Only video showing the impact on the whole family, including a grandchild.
Advance Directive for VSED
Advance Directive specifically for voluntarily stopping eating and drinking. Can be filled out online.