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VSED Equipment & Supplies
VSED requires preparation. You can pick and choose from this complete list of supplies and equipment to make the journey more comfortable. Equipment can be rented and supplies are not costly.
VSED Clinical Pathway
Goes beyond general clinical guidelines to include specific instructions for nurses and other professionals caring for patients desiring VSED.
The Role of the Physician in the Voluntary Termination of Life (Dutch)
The most complete systematic review of VSED to date with sections on clinical, ethical, legal, and institutional issues. International perspective. Comprehensive reference list.
Clinical guidelines for voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED)
Clinical guidelines about VSED.
Serious Illness Conversation Guide
Comprehensive lists and links to tools and resources for professionals, patients and caregivers, and healthcare systems
Preparing for Serious Illness: A Model for Better Conversations over the Continuum of Care
Joanna Paladino and Erik Fromme present a compelling argument for the importance of early conversations regarding care preferences in the face of serious illness.
What Matters to Me
This Workbook is designed to help people with a serious illness get ready to talk to their health care team (doctor, nurse, social worker, etc.) about what is most important to them.
Dementia Values and Priorities Tool
The Dementia Values & Priorities Tool will help you think about and document your wishes regarding the type of care you want (or do not want) if you are living with advanced dementia.