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Wills by State
Wills and legal documents by State. Free online completion of a Will or AD for each State.
Prepare for your care: AD Tools and Videos
AD tools and videos to empower people to get started making AD decisions and to talk with providers.
End-of-Life Decision Guide
Online, interactive tool for completing AD with instructions and context. Can also be downloaded and printed.
Advanced Care Planning Tools
Best, outstanding comprehensive list of where to go to get AD tools and explanations. Also Advanced Care Planning training for professionals.
Advance Directive for Dementia
AD to be used in cases of dementia, specifying that you want to refuse all oral feedings in the case of dementia or to limit oral intake to comfort-focused feeding that must be stopped if you become disinterested or unwilling to be fed.
Advance Directive Forms by State
Search for the specific AD form for your state and download for free.
Advance Directive for VSED
Advance Directive specifically for voluntarily stopping eating and drinking. Can be filled out online.
Dartmouth Advance Directive for Dementia
AD specifically for dementia. Can be appended to an overall AD to cover a range of dementia-associated situations.
Dementia Values and Priorities Tool
The Dementia Values & Priorities Tool will help you think about and document your wishes regarding the type of care you want (or do not want) if you are living with advanced dementia.