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Videos About Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer's Society collection of personal stories and other videos about Alzheimer's.
Detecting Alzheimer’s Early
Short video. Early detection of Alzheimer's should speed end-of-life planning.
Alzheimer’s Association
Excellent, comprehensive set of resources about Alzheimer's and dementia.
Alzheimer’s Society
Excellent, comprehensive set of resource on Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Alzheimer’s Instructional Videos for Health Professionals
Collection of resources for talking about Alzheimer's disease. Useful tools for working with patients around dementia.
Making a Will with a Dementia Diagnosis
FAQs with advice on making a Will after the onset of dementia. Many other resources about dementia as well.
In Their Eyes (Short Film)
Video about what it’s like for caretakers to deal with end-stage dementia.
What Dementia Feels Like
Blog post on symptoms and stories about what it's like to have dementia.
Looking After You the Best I Can
Film about early onset dementia. Cautionary tale about why it's important to create an Advance Directive (Living Will) early in life.
Going Home
Award-winning film about dementia. A cautionary tale about why it's important to make end-of-life decisions in advance.
Compassion and Choices
Website for all things related to improving care, expanding options and empowering everyone to chart their end-of-life journey. Extensive set of resources for Advanced Directives, VSED, MAID, and other end-of-life care issues.
Advance Directive for Dementia
AD to be used in cases of dementia, specifying that you want to refuse all oral feedings in the case of dementia or to limit oral intake to comfort-focused feeding that must be stopped if you become disinterested or unwilling to be fed.
Dartmouth Advance Directive for Dementia
AD specifically for dementia. Can be appended to an overall AD to cover a range of dementia-associated situations.
Dementia Values and Priorities Tool
The Dementia Values & Priorities Tool will help you think about and document your wishes regarding the type of care you want (or do not want) if you are living with advanced dementia.